"Now how about these?" said Karyn, tossing Sarah to a pillow on the bed and motioning at her own chest.
"Growth serum?" asked Jon.
"Screw serums," said Karyn, "Wish us up a shrink ray. That'll be way more fun."
No sooner had Jon said the words than a strange looking green pistol appeared on his dresser.
"Whoa!" he said, examining the dials that ran along the side. All sorts of percentages and a fairly simple grow/shrink switch.
"Okay," said Jon, leveling the device at Karyn, "This seems pretty easy."
"Hey!" shouted Karyn, jumping out of the gun's range of fire, "I don't want to be a guinea pig. We have a Sarah for that."
Jon nodded in agreement, looking down at the tiny woman.
"I'm going to grow you back," he said, "But if you make so much as a noise once you're full size, you're gonna spend the rest of your life knee high to Barbie."
Unsure if 100% meant Sarah's original size or her current, size, Jon didn't tested a blast with the setting. In a flash, Sarah was just under Barbie height. Jon twisted the dial to 400% and let her have another blast, then gaping at the fully-naked Sarah that was roughly four feet tall on his bed.
Terrified of what Karyn and Jon could do, Sarah said nothing.