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10. Sarah and the Shrink Serum

9. Sarah Leaves With the Serum

8. Sarah's Grab

7. Herself

6. Karyn Wants to Use It Herself

5. Jon Tests It Out

4. Shrinking Serum

3. A vile vial

2. Jon's cool new object.

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah and the Shrink Serum

on 2009-12-29 07:10:41

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Karyn's mind raced at what to do. The towering form that was the Cheerleading captain, Sarah, had snatched the vial of shrinking serum from her. In the wrong hands, that vial was trouble and Sarah's were most certainly the wrong hands.

Sarah, meanwhile, smirked as she examined the glass vial in her hand. What to do with it first? She slipped it into her purse as she stepped into first period.

"Most of you did quite well on the exam," said Ms. Peters, the young student teacher who had taken over the history class for the duration of the term, "But some of you are going to need to retake this. Sarah, would you mind staying after class?"

Sarah turned bright red. How dare she, in front of the whole class, single her out. Sarah was no genius, to be sure, but she'd be damned if she was going to be retaking that test. She hated Ms. Peters anyway, taking charge of a class that she was barely older than. It didn't help that most of the guys in the class were "hot for teacher". Sarah spent the next 45 minutes stewing in her seat waiting for the bell and fingering the glass vial.

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