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7. On the way to the bathroom

6. Wedding gown Karyn

5. someone in his bed 2

4. jon is not alone

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Stranger in the hallway

on 2022-12-02 11:54:44

1246 hits, 161 views, 1 upvotes.

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Credits to secret on pixiv for his transformation sequence, you can see the full version here

Jon makes his way down the hallway stone in hand, as he passes the door to what should of been Zoe's room a young boy he does not recognize walks out;

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Upon glancing at Jon the boy is taken aback.

-- "I-I'll just stay in my room for now..." he quickly mutters before locking himself back in Zoe's room.

"Great yet another mystery" Jon thinks to himself.

Jon reaches the bathroom, he sits down on the edge of the bathtub and starts to ponder his next wish. He needs answers to his questions in fact seeing how fast questions have been pilling up in his mind, he needs answers on demand: Definitely better to make one wish to answer all present and future question than to repetitively wish for answers over and over: He fiddles with the stone in his hand for a few moments before coming up with a wish.

-- "I wish that a voice would appear in my head, this voice will explain things to me in a way that I can understand when I want something explained and correct me if I'm wrong in an assumption. That is all that the voice will do, when not performing it's duties said voice should be completely silent."

Jon feels the warm glow of the stone in his hand; he thinks to himself "Right that should do it, now for my first question..."

Meanwhile in Zoe's room.

-- "I guess Jon puberty finally kicked in last nigh-AH... Shit, I figured as much but to think that such a brief exchange was sufficient to trigger mine."

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-- "I've always known this would happen, I mean I was given a girl name right from birth but... There was only two years difference between us, it wouldn't of been unheard of for me to reach puberty first."

Zoe lies down as his, or rather her body continues to rapidly reshape it's self.

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-- "Well no sense crying over spilt milk. It's not like I didn't already like my brother. But still loosing so much of myself at once is scary, even if it supposed to bring us mutual happiness."

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Zoe lays on her back for a couple minutes as she catches her breath from her whole ordeal. Slightly scared of opening her eyes and seeing her new form.

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-- "It's been a lot better for a while now, is it all over?" She cautiously opens her eyes in an attempt at seeing her new figure. But it is quickly foiled by a pair of E cup breasts obstructing her view.

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-- "Oh these are nice, I should definitely stick to plunging necklines from now on for Jon's viewing pleasure." Zoe pauses at her statement "Oh wow! It really it really does feel perfect natural and not forced at all."
-- "It's like I'm overflowing with joy and happiness just thinking about him; I simply must dress myself up for him. With any luck he'll be unable to contain his lust and take me on the spot."

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