Suddenly, the Joannas felt flushed and dizzy, as well as an intense sensations tingling on their two breasts. Joanne's pants also began to felt tight. There was a nearly uncomfortable warmth and pulsing centering between her legs. They try to readjust their pants to make herselves more comfortable. As their hand brushes against the taunt fabric tickling the flesh beneath... a wave a pleasure tumbles across their skin. Their crotch twitched and pulsed straining against the zipper of her pants. Every movement rubbed the nub of pleasure against something. The sensation reached a climax and the breasts had disappeared. By the time the changes were done, the three-headed Joanna was a man: Joanne. The three were astonished as they felt their new member behind their legs.
The Three Johannes
Episode last modified by Noy2222 on
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