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12. Her boss walks in

11. She becomes a drider

10. She starts to transform in the

9. Suddenly, she begins to feel a

8. Joanna goes into the bathroom

7. A cheerful hello to her fellow

6. Item forgotten Joanna hurries

5. Joanna says "How much..."

4. She takes the drider silk.

3. She decides to be wildly late

2. TFRoleplay archives - Modern-d

1. The Drafting Board

I knew Zoe had 'connections' but not like this!

on 2018-05-15 11:48:13

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She decided she needed to take a good look, examining herself. Above her waist, except for her new eyes she was still pretty much completely human, except that she already knew she could spit out spider silk from her mouth on a whim. Where her hips were was where her human body made the transition to its arachnid form. Although her vagina still looked human, it was flanked on either side by her arm-sized pedipalps. She looked at it closely. She found herself surprised that inside her intimate lips, there seemed to be a lining of silk!

As Joanna reached down to touch it, she was surprised to feel how sensitive the feathery silk had made her. As the brief sensation of pleasure flitted through her, she realized she wanted more and began rubbing herself more furiously. She quickly climaxed in only a minute, but kept at it, not evening slowing down. She pushed her hand in and out incredibly fast. Each time she climaxed, her pedipalps curled and squeezed close together tightly. The floor beneath was soaking wet with her bodily juices. Joanna was in a half-dreamy state of pleasure, she had no idea she had been so horny.

As she was starting to exhausted from her waves of pleasure, she didn't notice the sound of the door opening. But she did notice the sound of a "polite" cough, startling the heck out of her.

"Are you done?"
"What?!" Joanna asked, looking to see Zoe her boss standing in front of her, annoyed.
"I asked if you were done," she replied.
"Um, ye-e-es?" Joanna answered. "You're not frightened? I'm a big-half spider!"
"Yes, I can see that. No, I'm not frightened, but I'll explain."
"Um, okay?"
"Now, believe it or not," Zoe continued "I'm not a native to this area. I know my skin looks tanner than other women around here, but its not because of being from the southwest or one of the other hotter locations in the world."
"Then just where are you from?"
"Actually, I'm not a native to this world."
"Yes," Zoe sighed, "I actually have a "dual" citizenship. Your country's government statistics say I was born in Wisconsin. But," she paused "I was actually born in a city in another country on another planet."
"Really? Then you're an alien?"
"Then that's why you're not frightened? Or upset at me for pleasuring myself?"
"Yes. To both questions."
"What do you mean?"
"Well...." Zoe replied, "Where I come from, the two things you call magic and science are the same thing, though in two different broad fields of study. Just as there are some people here who are granted with certain gifts for intelligence in science, so there are on the planet I came from, as well also people with gifts for magic."
"But.... how does that explain how-"
"The reason I'm not upset with you for pleasuring yourself is because the 'hornyness' as humans here call it, is a normal reaction to being transformed into a drider."
"A what?"
"A drider. A common example may be found in one your world's fantasy games, Dungeons and Dragons. A creature that is humanoid from the waist up, but has for his or her lower body, that of a giant spider."
"And its normal for to feel so horny after changing?"
"Yes. I might actually be worried if you weren't. Spiders, especially males, go to some length searching to mate because of their territorial behavior during the rest of their lives, most spiders spend it solitarily. But because male spiders have extremely short lives compared to females, so when they mature, males go roving to look for a mate."
"But I'm not a male!"
"I know. Because the humanoid brain treats sexual behavior differently than a spider's, the human part and the arachnid part of you mix in a way that cause you to get very aroused indeed. I know its very confusing. This is also why I made sure you weren't disturbed while you were in here. I needed to give you time to satisfy yourself."
"So," Joanna ventured, "if I need to take time to pleasure myself here while I'm at- Wait a sec! You gave me time in here?! Did you know this was going to happen?"
"Well, I didn't know this was going to happen, but when I went in to use the restroom, I saw your cocoon's silk, so I opened the stall door. Because of where I come from, I knew it was extremely important that you were not to be disturbed, so I went and got the 'restroom closed' sign, putting it on the door. The employees had to use the other 2 company ladies' rooms on this floor. Yes, I will grant you time and permission to pleasure yourself treating it like a coffee break, but make sure others don't catch on."
"But won't the other employees notice that I'm a big 'drider' person? Or other people?"
"Well, as I mentioned, the place I come from, the two concepts of Science and Magic are the same thing, so in light of your new body, I will help you further so people don't react like you're a monster."
"Wha? Really? You can do that?"
Yes, allow me to show you."

Zoe tapped her wrist in a odd way. Suddenly, Zoe's appearance changed and it was obvious that she wasn't human. She was actually half-snake with a long sinous tail!

"What in th- What are you?!"
"I'm what your culture calls a naga, or lamia."
"How do you hide it?"
"On my planet, we can use magic to render living things invisible and make them 'phased' so that my tail doesn't get crushed by traffic when crossing the street. We also use holographic technology to add cosmetic disguise. You never thought my skin was scaly right?"
"Definitely not like this! You can get me disguised so I don't look 'changed?'"
"Of course! I can show you how to use the magic and loan my spare holo-projector after we've scanned your appearance into it. There are special things that only driders can do and make, so I can put you to work using your new body's silk, abilities and talents if you're interested."
"Awww!" Exclaimed Joanna. "That's really nice of you!" Then she thought, "That is really nice of her. I never liked spiders before, but now I can't imagine wanting to be anything else! Its so... so... a-a-arousing..... a-a-and I feel my nipples budding....."
"You know," Joanna said as she stepped out of the stall, "You're being awfully nice to me, helping me like this and I want to find some way to repay you some kindness too."

Joanna reached out her hand.

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