Joanna imagined a body of a well-trained young mare, very elegant and athletic, in its best age and condition. She pictured the soft bay coat and a long black tail very vividly, then attached her own torso instead of the horse's head. That's right, Joanna was creating a centaur, or rather centauress, a mythical creature of legends - part horse and part human.
This lonely ordinary girl had nothing to be proud of - she was neither very smart nor beautiful, but she always had a dream in which she could be anything but herself. What a coincidence that the Jinni fell into the hands of such a person. Joanna dreamed of vast green fields, where she would run for days non-stop, happy to be free from the depressing reality once and for all. Now that she could actually transform, Joanna couldn't imagine a creature more suited for her than a centauress! And while she was at it... she didn't like her human self much either...
Smiling as she imagined the changes, Joanna gave her mental picture the same healthy athletic build which she could never achieve no matter how many books she read. She made her hair much longer and darker to match her equine half and blushed for a moment before imagining her chest growing to fit the size. Her flat-as-a-door chest which always made her uneasy, was now a pair of furm round milk jars. She could even imagine how happy she would be feeling their weight all the way down her spine, but surely a new Joanna could easily handle that with her equine strength! As a last touch, the girl also made her ears a bit longer and pointier, similar to those of the elves that she saw in books. She was...
"Absolutely gorgeous!" - Finished Joanna as she opened her eyes and looked into the mirror. Her new beautiful body was huge, but surprisingly natural and easy to control. Joanna couldn't avert the gaze as she admired her own reflection. Almost in disbelief, she kicked a wall with her rear hoof and heard something crash behind her. "This is unbelievable!"