Steve's attitude cemented Jon's plan. Sure, the beach was awesome, hot topless girls everywhere, some he even recognized from around town, but Steve was a jerk. He didn't deserve to have such an awesome dream.
The sand was hot on Jon's bare feet as he decided what to do. Steve had said it was a girls-only beach. Jon smiled and came even closer to the jock.
"Steve, you're right, it's a girl's only beach. That's why you're allowed here. You're a girl."
The air seemed to shimmer around Steve, like watching the heat rise off the pavement on a summer day. The woman who was giving him a blowjob never looked up, never even paused. Not even when Steve's penis vanished from sight, only to be replaced by a vagina (which she eagerly had her face shoved into). When the shimmering had stopped, there was no more stud lying on the towel, only a blond bombshell of a woman.
She looked like she belonged in this beach fantasy. Big boobs, great skin, sexy face. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the attention of the woman between her legs.
A smile found its way onto Jon's face. This was almost too easy. Not that he was complaining; if he had to be in someone else's dream, he'd want to have an element of control. Who knows what kind of mischief could occur if he didn't.
Suddenly Jon's focus began to dim, the whole world got darker, and began to change. He realized that Steve's dream was changing. He wondered where they would end up next.