The noise in the coffee shop he now found himself in was deafening. The lineups were out the door, people were talking, laughing, ordering. Behind the counter there was one noise above all. Athena was in trouble.
She was dressed in her usual gothic garb except for the green apron she had on. She was cowering before a tall angry man who seemed to be her manager.
"What the hell is wrong with you, DeVries? Is this what you call a Venti 1 pump caramel, 1 pump white mocha, 2 scoops vanilla bean powder, extra ice frappuchino with 2 shots poured over the top (apagotto style) with caramel drizzle under and on top of the whipped cream, double cupped? How many times do I have to go over these orders with you? They are simple!"
A look of panic was crossing her face. Jon thought he'd take pity on her. He approached the counter and interrupted the rant. He decided this was the time to appear in a dream. So...
"What were you telling to my girlfriend?!"
"Who are you?" asked the manager
"He is my belover!" exclaimed emotionally Athena
"And your boss by the way" added Jon
"Oh, sorry, I forgot, please don't fire me"
"Fire him, he deserves it" said AThena, like taking revenge
Then Jon decided he wanted to push the changes even further. He thought on returning to his previous "invisible" state and inmediately he seem to double.
He saw himself about to fire the really scaredd manager and whispered to Athena's ear...
"You are merciful, you love live-being, even thought you love a thousand times more your belover. You are decided, smart and like learning new things (Jon didn't want Athena to become brainless due to his changes) and love pleasing and helping others, again even more your belover."
"Stop!!" shouted Athena. The other JOn looked a bit confused for a moment.
"We should have mercy of him, he thought he was just doing his job..."
Jon (the invisible one) didn't waited to hear more. He just wanted to add something more...
"Athena you love taking wise decision, but even when you like debating with your belover, you love obeying him when he is decided.."