The new female Jon was ready to make a wish. But she stopped and said "Wait a minute. I didn't hear the coin wish. How come I know I wasn't always a girl? And how come my clothes didn't change? I think... Oh, that's funny. I wish I knew the answer."
"What?" said Mikey.
"I know I wasn't always a girl because I just turned into one. And you know how I said you think of it as like a disease? I just turned into one because it's really a disease. I got lucky, because I'm going to change back when I recover... but that means that by being here, you two have a good chance of catching the disease from me. In fact, I wish that you two will catch the disease soon."
Mikey put his hand to his chest, and Jon respnded, "You're not old enough for big breasts, but you're going to turn into a girl at some point, for however long the disease lasts. Have fun, and I'd advise you not to fix things with wishes. That can go badly wrong."