"I mean we are friends, but you and Dianna have been inseparable since forever, haven't you?" Tommy queried.
"I guess" Marie said not trying to remember who that was, but all she could remember was a vauge memory of a goodbye party in class before Christmas break.
"Oh look the buss is coming" Tommy said pointimg "but yeah if you want we'll hang out more I'm game, just tell your boyfriend not to beat me up."
"Boyfriend?" Marie thought to her self feeling dread at the thought. As they got on the bus Mikey realizes she dropped the Marie persona when he saw Tommy and put it back up. As she looked for a seat she saw a boy wave her down. With an internal full she found it was Fred Orr.
"Hiya Freddy!" Marie said on autopilot, as she sat next to Fred, and scooted closer.
"Hi Marie, your happy today. Today's the day? Right?" Fred asked before kissing Marie on the cheek. This illicited a giggle from Marie.