Jon woke up and got out some clothes and other things of his... and realized the stone was missing. He was scared--what if someone had taken it during the night and wished something? He'd never know what changed!
Jon yelled out "Hey, anyone find a stone? A kind of round rock I lost?" A least his sister should still be around. "Marie? Did you see a stone around?"
Jon left his room and knocked on Marie's door. Then he decided he probably should just look. Time was of the essence... Marie could make a wish at any time.
Jon opened the door to see Marie crying.
"Marie?" he asked.
"Marie?" replied his sister. "Who's that?"
"Oh, never mind," said Jon. "I heard you crying and I thought I was going to be nice to you. Forget that, just tell me, did you see a stone around here?"
"Don't make fun of me."
"What are you talking about, Marie?"
"My name's Mikey! Don't make fun of me and call me a girl just because I changed into one! It was your stupid rock anyway!"
"But you've always been a girl," said Jon. "I'm not making fun of you. Now where was this rock?"
"I dropped it," replied Marie. "It's somewhere."
Jon got to his hands and knees and began searching. Marie just lay in the bed, face in her pillow. "Where did you lose it?" he asked but Marie just grunted.
Eventually, Jon found the stone just a few inches under the bed. He triumphantly pulled it out. "That was close. Now tell me, Marie, just what is the matter? Did you hurt yourself with this? Maybe I can do something about it...."