The genius girl held her silvery remote in her hand, it's sleek frame and colorful buttons reflecting in her eyes as she took a long gaze
at it. As far as she knew, her brother was trapped in the game and she couldn't just let things stay that way. Taking a deep breath, she turned
the remote towards the laptop and tried to think about which button might undo whatever Leonard had done, she thought.
Maybe Undo? 'Normal'? Reverse, Separate, Command? Command was at the very top far end of the remote and had a larger size than the others,
with a deeper breath she figured it was likely some kind of voice activated manual thing. With it there was a chance she could use this to just, bring
Leonard back out, but she'd have to be careful with her wording assuming that she was correct.
She didn't know this remote worked. Nor the magical stone, which was downstairs still on the couch. Trying to put herself in an optimistic frame of mind,
Lisa grit her teeth a bit and carefully, pressed her thumb down.
The remote's receiver began to blink like a camera, and a flash went out.
Whatever came next, Lisa hoped it the right choice.