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6. On the road to a good time~

5. Working the streets

4. A Prostitute

3. jon gets a job

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

On the road to a good time~

on 2022-11-02 11:04:01

1067 hits, 157 views, 3 upvotes.

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"I'll take the fifty, we can drive to the nearby alley and get it done there"

Jon blinked a moment, he was trying desperately to get out of this situation, but it seemed the words in his mouth weren't his own. Still, he had to try, he wanted to see what a female job was like, not be a slut on the streets making money for some pimp. D...did he have a pimp? god he hoped not! look all he had to do was deny him right? Just say 'no thanks, i'm not a prostitute" yes now then come on Jon say it, I'm not.....

"Right, then let's get going big boy~ My hole is aching for some action~"

No no! Not like that! and what hole? his ass?! he didn't have a vagina!"

Stuck and despite himself Jon, or 'Kandy' as people seemed to know him sauntered over to the car, unintentionally swaying his hips seductively as he slipped into the cars passenger seat.

Jon's troubles however weren't over as they drove over to the nearby alley Jon looked up to the mirror, as he began feeling weird feeling upon his body. As he looked up he caught sight of just what was happening to him....

Needless to say, not having a 'hole' would soon not be a problem...

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