The youth fairy knew that someone in the house had wished to be younger. Jen's mum had after having 3 children, wanted some of her youth back, maybe 5 to 10 years, nothing to drastic. Unfortunatley for Jen, the fairy was attracted to her when it got there.
Ok, she had lost her boobs, she could feel that, but she also felt much smaller and her room still looked feminine, only more for a little girl of about 5 years old. She swung her little legs over the side of the bed and dropped a few inches to the ground. Running to the mirror she saw the cutest little girl, very curley long hair and wearing hello kitty pj's.
She looked at the analogue clock on the wall and struggled to work out the time, wondering when Karyn would be back.
"Oh my god, Jen", Karyn exclaimed as she entered the room.
"Yeah, I know....." Jen squeaked out suprised at her new little girls voice "I think dis was meant for mommy, I look like sixth years old or something" she lisped slightly, not noticing her vocabulary was more like the age she now looked. She also viewed her friend Karyn now as more of an authority figure, now she was so much younger.
"What am I gonna do now?"