"Jon, are you in there?" said, Zoë was outside Jon's room. "I need to borrow a highlighter. I need it to study." there was no answer. "Jon?" she opened the door and he wasn't there. I could have sworn I'd heard him go into his room. Zoë supposed he must have gone out with his friend Karyn.
She brushed her dyed black hair, with red dyed bangs, out of her face. Then entered his room. She looked on his desk for the mug of pens he kept on his desk. Ah, there was a pink highlighter right in there. Then She saw a door on the north side wall that had not been there before.
She opened the door.
Jon was sitting on a golden throne and, had transformed himself into Princess Jasmine. He looked at a magic mirror and saw Zoë outside the door. "I wish that if any one who opens the door to the Room of Eternity, Excapt me, will randomly appear inside Room of Eternity with out there clothes."
Zoë had entered the door and she was standing in a hall of doors. Then she noticed all her clothes where gone.