"Who are you?" Susan said
"I'm the doctor" the man responded
"That's weird that's what my grandfather use to be called" Susan responded
The man started to walk around them in a circle examining them. "That's interesting, Say girl what's that in your hand" He asked noticing the pendent
"It's mine my grandfather gave it to me" Susan responded
"Interesting, Susan I'm guessing your maiden name was Forman" He inquired
"Yes how did you know my name?" Susan replied shocked
"You never opened the pendent yourself have you?"
"No I... I haven't How did you know that?"
"As I said I'm the doctor"
"Hay Man don't mess with our mom unless you want to mess with me" Olie stepped in
"Mom? Their yours" The doctor said as tears started to well up in his eyes
"What the Fuck's going on hear, what do you want with her" Zoe asked
"Susan open the pendent" said The Doctor
"Mom I think we should trust him open the pendent" Jon said
Susan took the pendent from Zoe opened it and her mind was filled with her lost history
Susan got all teary eyed and hugged the Doctor "Grandfather" was all she said
Family Reunion
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