As I was loaded into the game my body began to tingle. A message scrolled in front of me saying that it was loading test character file #147. I would have sighed in relief if I had a body at the time, Timmy didn't make me a permanent avatar after all. He had loaded a test file which is like an NPC that a player can use to get a feel for the game without making a permanent avatar. Most players don't like this because you have very little control over what you can do. If you are a miner or a merchant you can't go off and fight monsters. You can only go, do, and say what is acceptable for your character. The trial runs last for one hour, which is about one day in game time. I hoped my brother didn't make me someone stupid like a minstrel or a jester. As with all test files I entered the game in front of a mirror, that's when I saw...
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