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58. Margaret Slowly Turns Pro-Gay

57. Should Genie Punish or Enlight

56. Genie Finds a Book of Spells

55. Rachel Becomes a Lesbian Marri

54. Rachel Wishes For the Perfect

53. Rachel Didn't Specify Which Ge

52. Distracted By Rachel, Josephin

51. Their New Master is Rachel, Jo

50. Eventually, They Are Released

49. It Doesn't Work

48. Genie Returns Joseph's Mind to

47. Genie Accidentally Makes Josep

46. Looking Like a Genie Caused He

45. Genie Can Grant Her Own Wishes

44. In The Lamp, Genie is The Mast

43. Scratch That ... Josephine IS

42. Genie Swears That Josephine Is

41. Genie Gives Joseph a Female Id

40. Joseph Wishes to Be Able to Ch

39. Joseph Dell is the Next Master

GENIE'S NEW LIFE: Margaret Slowly Turns Pro-Gay

avatar on 2015-09-07 02:22:51

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Regardless of how much she really did hate her neighbor, Genie decided to show the woman some compassion, unlike what Margaret chose to do for her and her wives. Genie found a certain spell of enlightenment that she felt would do the trick.

She muttered the spell to herself, not wanting her neighbor to hear, then did the appropriate hand gestures, causing the spell to be cast. But what exactly would this spell do? Well, it would force Margaret Stevens to slowly come to the realization that women being with other women, in a sexual way, was completely okay. And the more women, the better. She wouldn't exactly become a lesbian herself, but she'd be open to being with a woman. Bi-curious, Genie thought the term was. At first, Margaret would obviously be weirded out by these feelings, but the spell would force her mind to justify what she's feeling, as though it were just natural to feel that way, despite the fact that up until the spell, she was as homophobic as they came.

Genie closed the book and smiled, then laid back on the patio chair and took a nap.

On the other side of the fence, Margaret Stevens went back inside her house, fed up with the fact that her family had to live right next door to those perverted lesbians. She was sick of them and just wished that they'd go away, or see the light and renounce their sinful lives. But the moment she had that thought, another one (and an odd one at that) entered her mind. At least they're not harming anyone.

Not harming anyone? Seriously? They were basically informing the neighborhood that there was nothing wrong with not only being lesbians, but also having a polygamous relationship. How was that not harming anyone?

Then it happened again. Another strange thought. It's a free country. As long as they're not doing anything illegal, it's okay.

Well, it may not have been illegal (in this particular state), but what about moral? What exactly was moral about a woman marrying another woman? Or more than one woman? Why, that was nothing but ...

Before she could even finish that thought, she was interrupted by another strange one. She was actually getting interrupted by another thought! So loving someone else is wrong? Since when was love bad and hate good?

No, the truth was being twisted. What was happening? Love wasn't a bad thing. But, love ... uh ... hate. Margaret needed to sit down. Her mind was practically spinning. Was she losing her sanity? Why was she thinking these strange thoughts?

She sat down in a chair in the living room, as more strange thoughts entered her mind. And with each one, came an acceptance in her mind. And before she even knew what was happening to her, she made the realization that everything she had been taught had been a brutal lie. There was nothing wrong with homosexuality, especially between women. They weren't harming anyone. And this was a free country. People could do whatever they wanted, as long as it was legal. And what her neighbors were doing ... that was totally legal. She frowned, hating herself for treating them so badly. She should go over there and apologize to them.

A noise suddenly caught her attention, tearing her away from her new pro-gay thoughts. Someone had come home. But who was it? Was it her husband, home from the Baptist church? Or maybe her son or daughter, home from school? How would they react to their new "enlightened" mother?

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