Nick opened the door to his office and was surprised to see an older man in a suit waiting for him.
"So you are the cause of this disturbance" the man said disapprovingly.
"what disturbance?" Nick asked.
"A class five reality incursion. I had to phase into this reality to deal with it. My job is ensuring no disturbances mess with reality. Now hand over the device."
"What device" Nick said. "I have no device. I change reality on a whim, watch." Nick concentrated and the paperweight on his desk turned gold.
"This is most troubling", the older gentleman said. "Normally I'd just confiscate the device, fix the dimension, and make everyone forget what happened. But I cannot in this case. How about I offer a deal. You work for me and I let you live. If not we get to apprehend you and try and find out what makes you tick power wise."
"Why don't you just go home and forget all about me". Nick said.
The man in the suit just laughed and said. "If it was this easy to get rid of me I would not be in this line of work"