Nick headed for the accounting office to check out the sales numbers. Chat, a short, chubby, brunette guy with stubble on his face came over with the sales sheets and it didn't look good, the line was going down.
"sales seem better than ever" Nick said. And watched the chart change to go up not down. "keep up the good work, it must be hard to keep up with the job in your condition."
"what condition is that?" Chad asked.
Nick, remembering a voting scandal a few years back smiled as the pun hit him. "you're not fat, you're pregnant Chad."
As he said that chads face and limbs became less pudgy but his belly swelled larger and became less droopy and more firm and smooth.
"at least you're lucky in that your male parts can stretch and dilate when the time to give birth finally comes."
Chad smiled and nodded, slightly worried about how he'd take care of a kid without a spouse. Maybe a co-worker would fall in love with him.