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8. You chose the perpetually preg

7. You ask about the perpetually

6. an extreme body

5. ...a male wanting a sex change

4. Paperwork

3. The Newshape Shop

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

Body Shop: Perpetually Pregnant

on 2012-10-15 14:09:19

1342 hits, 106 views, 4 upvotes.

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John hesitated for a moment but quickly remembered how much he wanted to try living the exciting life he dreamed up for himself.

He knew he might regret his decision after a while... No. He KNEW he would regret his decision. He know that the life he would chose for himself was not going to be the most comfortable one. And yet... Something made him speak out his mind.

"Listen carefully" he started, "because I'm not going to repeat myself. The things I say now are exactly what I want done to me, as soon as possible. If I claim I changed my mind I am lying."

John knew that he might happen to hesitate more. His desire was stronger though and wanted to get done with the talking already.

"I'm listening." said Tonya, "But what's more important is that our automatic-programming query system is listening as well. All you say you want to be done to you is going to be interpreted by our software and then implemented in our transforming procedure."

"Great." John closed his eyes. "Then let me tell you what I want..."

"I do indeed want a body of a female. A perpetually pregnant one. I am going to get a little bit more specific than that though. I want a body which feels and looks like if it's carrying twins instead of just one baby. And to make the belly even more pronounced I want to be very petite and not taller than 5 feet. I want to experience all the side effects of pregnancy including the shrunk bladder and especially morning breast soreness. Talking of my breasts, I want them lactating and heavy enough to tug on the skin of my shoulders as they move. Also my nipples should be literally the size of the tips of my thumbs. Now there's one more thing... Can you change my sexual orientation?"

John was heterosexual. He liked women. He lusted for women. He felt disgusted at the thought of getting intimate with another guy. But also on the other hand not many things turned him on as the thought of the petite, heavily pregnant, vulnerable body he dreamed up for himself getting fucked senseless by some hunk.

"No I'm afraid we can't do mental changes" Tonya said looking worried. "Our technology is most advanced but unfortunately we're not quite there yet."

John swore quietly. He knew that that might be the case. He had a plan B though. He couldn't change the way he thought, but he could change the way his body responded. Again, for a brief moment he thought he might regret that decision soon... But it was too late. His desires were too strong.

"In that case," he started again, "I want to make sure my body responds as if it was attracted to men. More than attracted. I want it to feel dependent on men. I want my body to be extremely easy to arouse. I also want it to have very submissive attitude. Any time a man will even hint something sexual I want my legs feel weak in the knees and all of that. Basically, when my body will see a chance of being fucked senseless I physically won't be able to resist. And for that to happen at all I need some guys wanting to have sex with a heavily pregnant woman at all. That's why I want you to give me special pheromone glands which will make men in my presence especially dominant and willing to have an intercourse only with me."

John paused for a moment. He took a deep breath.

"That's what I want you to do. As soon as possible..."

Tonya looked at him, smiled with a very professional smile and said...

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