"You know John, my brother is oh so terrible at handling and testing out the inventions I lend him. As you surely can attest.
If you wish you could keep the watch and properly enjoy it's features, in exchange for regularly visiting and field testing my newest invention. The new battery I installed in that watch is a nuclear diamond one by the way so it's not going to die anytime soon like the last one."
"It has more features?"
"Well if course, it doesn't just swap body parts it exchanges and mixes timelines. Though you never got to experience this since as I am to understand, the battery died imediately after you got those legs."
"But what does it do?"
"Well you have exchanged not only half your body, but half your life with your step sister. Now that the watch has power again the two of use will resume turning into eachother.
e will keep getting younger, while you'll become older until the two of you meet in the middle; since you've also taken her plumbing the rest of your body will turn female while hers goes male.
Everything around you will be as if you had always been a young woman. It will even grant you the mental faculties to match your new life. All the while no one will remember their old life or yours besides you."
"Not even you? What if you forget about giving me the watch?"
"Yup even me so be sure to keep me in on the changes, so I can log them for science. If I forget about you and the watch, I guess you can just do what ever with it.
So what do you say?"
John didn't need to think about it twice, going back to his normal life or having the power to become anyone, he was definitely going to take the later.
Upon hearing his answer Dr Roberts grinned and proceeded to explain in detail the features of the watch John didn't get to play with.
First of all by turning the dial you can accurately select body parts before firing the beam and an estimate of what percentage of your bodies you are exchanging. The higher the % the more your lives will shift towards being that of the other.
There even is an option to select how fast you'll shift into your new life with your new parts.