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25. Dealing with Morgan

24. Two Weeks Later

23. Big wish

22. Magical Twist

21. To Tell The Truth

20. Blending in

19. Heather Joins the Party

18. What Selena/Tom said (alt)

17. Clair's new look

16. Another mix up

15. Back to Tom

14. Testing Maggie's Body

13. Back to Maggie and Josh

12. Clair gets mad

11. Interrupted

10. Her house

9. The next day.

8. What Clair had been up to

7. "Hanging out"

6. They cant find Clair

Dealing with Morgan

on 2012-09-30 21:24:36

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Morgan took Cain's hand and tried to lead him out of the room. Without Tom/Selena's permission. This simply wouldn't do. Tom/Selena fixed Morgan with a cold stare, saying "Morgan, I didn't give you permission to take my faerie yet." Morgan stopped, looking at Tom with an equally cold stare.

"He's my 'little boy' and I'm going to take him where I wish. You can have fun with him later. After all, didn't you say you were done making wishes? When do I get my turn with his magic?" Morgan's voice had a thick, venomous tone in it - she wasn't about to bend to Tom's will.

Tom/Selena, on the other hand, was prepared to force the issue. "You'll get your turn after Maggie gets hers," Matt, trapped inside Maggie's head, mentally jumped for joy upon hearing this...until Tom/Selena, "fifteen minutes past fucking never. Cain, please freeze Morgan in place, and don't allow her to move or speak until I decide what to do with her." Matt's 'heart' sank hearing this. Maggie just cooed and giggled, rubbing her hand against Josh's crotch.

Cain, forced by Faerie Decree to obey his master, reluctantly froze his "mommy" in place. Tom/Selena said, "Cain, I want you to change back to how you were before, and stop all this Mommy-play bullshit. It's getting weird and creepy." Cain was torn as to how to grant this, and could only figure out one way to change back to "how he was before" without being forced into staying Morgan's son-slave. Reluctantly, he became hot, sexy, blonde Clair again.

Tom/Selena's eyes opened wide in shock, and behind her ball-gag, Heather mumbled something that most everyone else ignored. She recognized Clair as the girl she spoke to the other day, telling her her likes and dislikes about guys. That must have been what set this whole thing in motion. How did Maggie get her to use her magic on all of us. Still, now Maggie is a stupid slave, like me. Serves the bitch right.

Tom/Selena looked at Clair, saying "I meant turn yourself back into Cain - you didn't have to go back to your ORIGINAL form." Meanwhile, without even looking at her, Tom/Selena undid Heather's ball-gag and, without conversation, undid the zipper on his jeans and forced Heather's mouth around his cock. Josh, seeing his cue, whispered something into Maggie's ear. She giggled, licked her lips, and got down to her knees as Josh undid his fly. Inside Maggie's head, Matt retreated into a corner, distracting himself until the degrading deed was over.

Clair looked at Tom/Selena with minor distraught in her eyes. If she was surprised about the sudden and rampant fellatio that was going on around her, she didn't show it. "Actually, I had to go back to being Clair - Cain was cursed by some form of Old Magic, forcing him to be with Morgan and to act as her slave and servant. Thankfully, Faerie Magic is older still, and so my powers were still subject to your will - otherwise, she would have owned me, body and soul. I can't even go back to my original form to before all this started, since his name was Cain as well."

Heather and Maggie were too busy with the load in front of them, and Josh - being Josh - frankly stopped listening to what she was saying. Tom/Selena, though, heard every word. "You used to be a guy?" She asked, with more surprise than someone with an indebted faerie really should. Clair just nodded, sat down on the chair, and crossed her legs in an extremely feminine fashion. Tom/Selena thought, If I had known she used to be a man, I would have NEVER made her Cain. Still, she's back now, I suppose. Best remember to keep her that way.

The scene continued on like that for some time - the two men in the room receiving head from their sex slaves, the grossly overweight wanna-be dominatrix magically frozen in the center of the room, and a gorgeous blonde faerie sulking to herself over her lost manhood, attempting to ignore the sounds and smells of sex filling the room. When they had finished, Maggie and Heather were excused to wash their mouths out (only after having proven they swallowed) while Josh and Tom/Selena zipped up.

"Clair," Tom/Selena began, "let me ask you a question - you know about the nature of magic and how it works, right?" Tom/Selena sat down next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

Clair's eyes glazed over for half a second, before answering, "I do now."

Tom/Selena smiled at this. "Great! Let me ask you this - our animal parts faded after a day or so. I wasn't really all that upset - fur and tail were a lot more trouble than they were worth, in my opinion. But that said, I didn't wish them gone, so how did that happen?"

Clair thought about it for a second before responding. "Well, Magic basically works by manipulating energy, usually in the form of the fabric of reality. You can't see it, but when you make a wish, you actually cause a gash in reality that allows itself to be manipulated. Depending on the size and scope of the change, reality can take longer to repair itself so that everything sinks in. If it's a massive or unnatural change, reality will repair itself to relative normalcy. For minor stuff, once the change is set, if it isn't reversed, it will wind up setting itself - like scar tissue. It will be unable to be reversed, even by my magic, because the damage has already been done. It's the same reason that Genies can't reverse their own wishes."

Tom/Selena figured she understood, but wanted to make sure. "Can you give me a few examples? Using my wishes thus far?"

"Sure." Clair began. "The Furry wish? You changed the entire world so that everyone had animal parts. Evolution doesn't work like that, so the wish was considered unnatural. After trying to sustain itself for about two days, reality basically covered the gash by resetting it - the basic way to think about it is a skin graft. It's better than nothing, but there's going to be some lingering traces - probably a few people who didn't change back, some trace behaviors in others, etc."

"Now, your change - you wanted to be a hunk for Heather. That was about three weeks ago. After about four days, the gash in reality would have set, making this your new, permanent form. I was able to change you into that blonde girl at the convention because that occurred within that four day gap - reality was still in the process of setting. Since day five, that's you from now on. I couldn't do anything beyond minor cosmetic changes if I wanted to."

Tom/Selena was pleased hearing this. "What about Maggie?" He asked, not really caring, but wanting to use it to lead into her next question.

Clair looked confused for a moment. "What about Maggie? The collar she's wearing is allowing Josh to control her mind. Any changes he makes are permanent changes, even if he takes the collar off. Once he does, though, the collar becomes inert and he can't make any more changes to her."

Tom/Selena looked puzzled, and said, "No, no - I meant about Maggie having used to be a guy?"

Clair stopped for a second and laughed, "I completely forgot! She used to be Matt - yeah, no, I'm sorry, but Matt's gone forever at this point. The changes to his body were more extensive than yours, so it took reality about a week for his changes to set. Just like you, all I could do are minor cosmetic changes. Maggie seems like she's fine, though - other than being a slave to that asshole, Josh. She'd be reasonably well adjusted, I think, if it wasn't for him."

Josh sneered at this comment, but a quick look from Clair shut him up. He grabbed a book from Tom's shelf and began flipping through it.

Tom/Selena pretended to ponder over the next question, and then asked "What about mental changes? We kinda forced my brother and his fiance into love with each other - is that going to wear off?"

Clair just shook her head, a bit dismissively. "No - we didn't create an emotion - I just altered their brain chemistry to the point that the emotion would create itself. Again, that's a minor body change, and that usually sets itself in about three to four days."

Tom/Selena was satisfied that he would get to keep this body permanently. After all, it's far more fun being the dominator than the dominated. "I guess that just leaves this last loose end. Morgan, you took advantage of what was mine. Fun is fun, and I don't hold that against you, but then you decided to talk back to me. I think it's time you go away. And in a reasonably poetic way. Clair, please transform Morgan into chocolate chip cookies - an equal number based on her weight, all boxed, packaged and ready for distribution."

Clair thought this was a really odd request, but did as she was told. Internally, she was a bit relieved. Now, after this is over, I can get back to being Cain without having to worry about a psycho with a mommy fetish.

In place of Morgan was now 14 pink boxes, each filled with 24 chocolate Chip cookies. Josh laughed, as Maggie and Heather re-entered the room, staring at their men with lust filled eyes. Josh then said, "The fat cunt got what was coming to her. That oughta teach her to mess with our faerie." Tom/Selena heard this, and though he took note, he didn't say anything to Josh regarding it.

Tom/Selena continued. "I wish the cookies would have the following magical properties: when a person eats one, they physically become their ideal sexual partner for the next 24 hours, and reality adjusts around them to accommodate. If they eat a second one within that 24 hours, they mentally become that person as well, and the 24 hour timer starts over. If they eat a third within that 24 hours, they become that person permanently."

Clair cast her magic on the cookies. Heather smiled and, without a word, began nuzzling the neck of her master and lover. Maggie followed in suit, and began passionately kissing Josh. Josh returned the kiss and fondled Maggie's breast through her leather suit, before breaking contact and saying, "We're going to take these someplace public and have some fun, huh?"

Tom/Selena smiled a cold, heartless smile and replied, "Yes. But first, Clair? I wish Josh would eat one of these cookies." Josh's smile dropped, and he began walking towards the boxes of cookies. "What the fuck, man?! I thought we were friends?! Why you doing this to me?"

Tom/Selena continued to smile. "I did it because you're an ass, and I don't share power. Stop being a baby - it's just for 24 hours, and I'm excited to see what your ideal sexual partner will look like. Besides, if you keep complaining, maybe I'll wish for you to eat a second cookie. Maybe even a third."

Josh would have protested, but his face was stuffed with the magical cookie. As he swallowed, he moaned and began to double over - his cry becoming higher pitched and more sultry as the changes took place...

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