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9. The next day.

8. What Clair had been up to

7. "Hanging out"

6. They cant find Clair

5. Practice talking to girls.

4. Meeting master

3. Cain the Fairy.

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

The next day.

on 2012-08-30 19:40:14

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Tom got up and hurried off to school to see how people would react to his new look. When he got to school he noticed a lot of girls checking him out. Tom had never had this happen before so it quickly started to go to his head and the idea of getting Heather to date him seemed less and less important because he figured he could get anyone he wanted now.

Josh got dressed and also hurried off to school excited about his new life. He met up with Tom who he didn't recognize at first. They came to the conclusion because Tom had revealed the existence of his fairy to them that they realize how reality should be when she uses her magic.

Maggie got up and wasn't looking forward to today. She struggled getting dressed in her new body, but after a bit of struggling with her tight pants she gave up deciding they were to tight and put on a skirt and headed to school. After all of Josh's advances she tried to avoid him, but realized to find Clair she better stick close to Tom who unfortunately for her was hanging out with Josh.

Maggie saw Tom's new body and couldn't help be feel even more jealous that both of her friends had gone from nerds to muscular good looking guys. While she had be turned into a chick.

As they were standing in the hallway after class Tom said "Isn't this great? Were finally popular."

Josh said "I know right! This is so awesome."

Maggie said "This is not awesome. A lot of the guys that used to bully me are... giving me me weird looks. And for some reason all the girls are giving me looks like they hate my guts. I just want to find Clair and get my body back. Do you know where she is Tom?"

Tom not really listening as he stared at Heather down the hall said "Oh, she said she needed some space or something."

Tom then walked over to Heather. Tom didn't know how to talk to girls and at first bored Heather and then said something to cause her to slap him in the face and walk off.

Tom didn't seem to care as much about heather as he did yesterday, so he just walked off to go find some other girl that would wanna mess around with his new body.

Clair back at her hotel sweet deiced she better get back to Tom before she got punished and poofed herself to Tom's school.

She appeared in front of Maggie and Josh.

Maggie saw Clair and said "Oh great now you can change me back!" with a big smile on her face.

Josh just said "Man you just missed Tom. He totally blew it with Heather."

Clair heard this and said "What?! He already messed things up with Heather!?"

Then Maggie said "Yea, so we can help you look as soon as you turn me back..."

Clair wasn't listening and was to busy focusing on Tom's problem and poofed herself away to find Tom.

"No! Damn it she left me as a girl again!" Maggie said in a very upset tone.

"Eh, it's no big deal" Josh said.

"No big deal!? I don't want to be a girl!" Maggie said in a very defiant tone

"What ever babe, so wanna go back to my house or yours this time?" Josh asked with a smirk.

Maggie wasn't sure what to say and deiced to...

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