Outside the car stood a man she had never seen before. "Jennifer, open the door," he said, before looking over his shoulder nervously.
"Who are you?" she asked. "How do you know my name?"
He took a step back. "They got to you, didn't they?" He frantically looked around again, then ran away.
Jennifer got out of the car. "Wait! Who are you?! Do you know what's happening in this town?!" she yelled to him. But he didn't answer back. He just kept running down the street, like he was really trying to get away from someone, or something. Jennifer was missing nearly twelve hours of her memory. She supposed that it was possible that she had met that man sometime during the time that she forgot, but she didn't know that for sure.
She stood there next to the car, wondering if she should pursue him and ask him what was happening, or just stay in the car. The guy looked mega-paranoid and could possibly be dangerous. But she did want to know what was happening. What happened to her during those lost twelve hours and what happened to Daniel?
After a moment of thought, Jennifer decided to ...