On his way home, however, Terry ran into some trouble. But with his new ability, maybe it wasn't as much trouble as it would be normally.
He was almost to his apartment when a big burly mean-looking thug appeared from around a corner. He was dressed like a biker and had lots of tattoos. Not someone you wanted to mess with, that was for sure.
The thug flipped open his switch knife and pointed it towards Terry. "Give me your money," he said with a gruff voice.
Usually, Terry would just comply. The man was holding a knife on him, after all. But Terry was different now. He had a power over people's minds. And what better way to test it out than on this guy?
"I'm serious, man. Give me your cash," the thug said.
But instead of complying, Terry snapped his fingers, causing the burly man to fall into a trance. Basically, he looked like he was in a daze. He looked straight forward, but there was no life in his eyes.
"Drop the knife," Terry demanded and the man complied, dropping it to the sidewalk. Terry moved closer, inspecting the man. He really was in a trance. He didn't even acknowledge Terry's presence, besides complying to his orders.
"Now ..." Terry began, deciding to alter this man's mind.