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8. She speaks in a Brazilian acce

7. Her yellow jacket with bikini

6. Laura

5. Her clothes morph into another

4. She loses some garments

3. "I wish I could finally impres

2. Chun-Li Wishing Rock

1. The Drafting Board

Beleza da Primavera

on 2018-05-09 17:53:45

734 hits, 40 views, 0 upvotes.

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Looking in disbelief at her reflection, Chun-Li muttered something to herself, "Como isso e' possi'..." she stopped and covered her mouth shocked at the foreign words that emerged. "Minha voz?" she said still trying to speak again in her mother tongue without success, then she made an attempt in English, "My voice?" This time she succeeded to move the lips in her intentions, though an unknown accent continued to come out. In fact, it seemed that her native language had entirely changed from Chinese to Portuguese and even when she tried to speak in English or Japanese she kept saying the words in an accent that belonged to someone born in Rio de Janeiro. Not only she was dressed and combed like Sean's older sister, but she was also starting to speak like her.

Scared by this absurd alteration, Chun-Li desperately tried to say random words in all languages always getting the same results. Moreover, she wasn't even able to read and understand the Chinese sentences engraved on the dojo entrance anymore.

"O que diabos esta' acontecendo comigo??!!" she screamed in tears, wondering what was happening to her.

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