Given that David's Barbie-doll father was his plaything, as David's mother had put it, David was given the responsibility of dropping the buxom blonde off at work. As far as David knew, there was no beach anywhere near Hillsburg, but that didn't stop his dad from giving him directions.
"Left here," she said, through her giggles as she bopped to the pop music on the radio, guiding them into the business district of town,"and another left at the lights."
It took him a minute, but David figured it out. They were going to his dad's work. His normal work. For a minute, David wondered how the rest of his dad's co-workers would react when he showed up in his new body. Then he rounded the last corner and saw it.
Where the office tower should have stood was a wide open space filled with water, surrounded by sand. A lone lifeguard tower stood near the parking lot.
"Oh goodie!" David's dad clapped his smooth, almost plastic-looking hands, "We're here!"
The car stopped, Barbie got out. David watched as she wiggled her way on her bare toes toward the tower, carrying her red flotation device with her. David wondered if her heels would ever touch the ground again, or if she was built, like the doll to balance on her toes unless she was in stilettos.
Barbie climbed the tower and stared out over the water, waiting for swimmers to arrive. David, on the other hand...