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25. Greg Sprays Danny With SUBMISS

24. Greg Sprays Danny

23. Danny and Greg's Confrontation

22. Danny Sprays GOTH on Himself

21. A Security Guard Looks For Chr

20. Katie's Husband Isn't Home, So

19. Katie Says No; Back to Chris a

18. Katie Drives Home

17. Jimmy the Janitor

16. Katie Slaps the Canister Away

15. Katie Tries to Leave

14. He Sprays SLUTTY on Katie

13. Katie Shepard

12. Greg Finds Someone to Use As a

11. Greg Takes the Sprays

10. Chris Takes On Security ... An

9. Chris Takes On Management

8. He Sprays SEXY On Himself For

7. He Sprays SEXY On Himself Agai

6. He Sprays It On Himself


avatar on 2011-03-14 15:39:37

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Greg thrust forward both of his hands and sprayed Danny with the SUBMISSIVE spray.

Danny stumbled backwards in shock. He had no idea which canister he was sprayed with, but as soon as he began to cough, he knew one of them had affected him. The next few seconds would tell him which one.

He looked down at himself, waiting for some kind of physical change to happen, but there was nothing. He felt relieved - he thought that he might get turned into a woman like Jimmy had. But if it wasn't the FEMININE spray, then it must have been ... the SUBMISSIVE spray. But what did that mean? He looked at Greg. He was a powerful man. Way more powerful than Danny. How could he compete against someone like that? He couldn't believe that only a moment ago he was threatening him with that GOTH spray. How dare he? How could even have a chance to go up against Greg? What nerve! Of course Greg would win in the end. He was Greg.

"Now," Greg said. "Why don't you put that spray canister down, okay?"

"Okay," Danny said. He didn't like being dominated. He was a rebel, right? He hated authority. But Greg was too powerful. He had to do what he wanted. He feared what Greg might do to him, if he didn't obey.

Danny placed the canister down on Greg's desk. "Good," Greg said.

"Uh ... can I go now?" Danny asked.

Greg looked like he was thinking it over, then he said ...

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