Ka'mesha's urgings to get her lab partner focused on the group's work again forced Sa'Rhonda to rethink her strategy.
The experiment was actually an interesting one for once, as it involved https://www.chemedx.org/blog/give-me-back-my-copper-simple-multi-faceted-lab-activity-review-lab-skills-week-one-ap|transforming copper five times. The first experiment required the use of the classroom's lone fume hood, as the copper gave off a toxic gas when reacted. But Shauna didn't show up to the fume hood with the group's copper sample; some other boy handled that task, much to Sa'Rhonda's disappointment.
Largely thanks to Ka'mesha's constant badgering, Sa'Rhonda was on task, resisting the temptation to not do the lab experiment. Ultimately, the temptation proved to be too much. After the experiment concluded, however, all bets were off. As the class packed up and headed to lunch, Sa'Rhonda glared again at Shauna. With most others in the class far away, except for Ka'mesha, the two finally got the showdown they had been raring for all day.
"You did DIS to me!? How dare ya, girl! Now I'm all fucked up!" Sa'Rhonda's voice was sharp and loud.
"Well, maybe you deserved it! You were a bitch to me, and now it's my turn to get some revenge! And live the life you loved! Now you're me. I hope you enjoy it!"
Sa'Rhonda exploded at long last. "Ya know what, Shauna? I ain't copper! There ain't no reaction dat can undo what you did to me. So try to balance DIS equation!" She sent her fist flying toward Shauna's face...