Saronda McMillan had navigated crowded hallways many times in her high school life to get to her next class.
She hadn't been in any of them like this.
In line with the makeover she and her classmates had evidently gotten, the hallway leading toward the math wing was a chocolate wave of hairstyles and skin tones nobody would have ever expected to see in her old reality. She fought fellow students as she proceeded toward her math class.
If one thing hadn't changed, it was math. Two plus two still equaled four, fractions looked the same and graphs offered a sense of familiarity to the world. Saronda was able to feel normal for the time she spent working on the math test, which took up almost all of the period.
When the bell rang to end that class, however, it was time for the boring and mundane tasks of homeroom. One period closer to LaShawndra, Saronda thought to herself.