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9. Jon's Sister Zoe

8. Karyn Is Making Out With Who?

7. Jon Goes to See Karyn

6. Coin Collection

5. Jon's Inheritance

4. Main Character - Jon Gibson

3. Lake Point

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

LAKE POINT: Karyn is Making Out With Zoe

avatar on 2010-11-28 23:41:58

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As impossible as it seemed, the person making out with Karyn was Jon's own Goth sister Zoe! Was this the thing she had to get home for? To start up a lesbian relationship with Jon's sister?

"Karyn, what the hell are you doing?" Jon asked, still shocked.

"What does it look like, Jon?" Karyn said back to him. "Me and Zoe are just having a little fun, that's all. And after that long school day, we definitely both need it."

"Yeah, lighten up, Jon," Zoe said. "You can't really be surprised, can you? Me and Karyn have been attracted to each other for years."

Jon just stared at them. What were they talking about? Karyn and Zoe rarely even got along with each other. Was it even conceivable that they were disguising their feelings this whole time?

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