"I think it came from this," Jon said, holding up his arm to show Zoe the bracelet.
"A bracelet?"
"I know this will sound crazy, but I think it's magic. I think it caused us to swap genders."
"Well, swap us back," Zoe said. "I don't want to stay as a fucking boy the rest of my life."
"I don't know how. It just happened, the first time. I had no control over it."
"We should go see my friend Athena. She'll know how to get us back to normal."
"How would she know?" Jon asked. He had met Athena a couple of times. She was a little weird, and also gothic like his sister ... er, brother.
"Well, she's really into the occult and stuff like that. Maybe she knows something. It wouldn't hurt to just talk to her, would it?"
Jon shrugged, feeling his new breasts wobble within his shirt. It was a weird feeling, to say the least.