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9. Coffee for one.

8. "I wish everyone moved like mo

7. Later that night...

6. Something ridiculous

5. At the movies

4. "I wish everyone had fox tails

3. Take things slow

2. Jon's Experiments

1. You Are What You Wish

Coffee for one.

on 2022-08-03 04:33:09

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Eventually, Jon had done a whole round of the area, to no avail.

"Reedeeculous..." he panted slightly. He moved with practiced energy, but he was still a scrawny nerd, and all this strutting was tiring him out. His tail was starting to droop a little, and he didn't want to let it drag on the ground. Too much chewing gum on the sidewalk. "Zere must be a place for moi to obtain un café at zees hour, eez there not? All zere eez eez an endless number of bars."

He grimaced, staring across the way at a squat building marked 'Blue ice tavern'. A simple dive set up to help the attendant crowd lube up their brainpans for cheaper than the nightclubs would offer... not that they were cheap. There were quite a few like it in the area.

Surely the people could make do with one less. Jon palmed the stone and muttered:

"I weesh zat tavern was eenstead a comfortable coffee houze."

Jon blinked, and a grin split across his face. The stone had certainly taken 'comfortable' to heart! the building was now two stories high, with wide windows and a sleek, yet ornamental design that made it look high-end, but not without character. It's new sign proudly proclaimed it 'Café de Glace Bleue' Perfeect!

He shoved himself through it's door, and a bell chimed above him. The interior of the coffee house was quite different than the bar had been. Rather than a cheaply run set of beer spouts in a box, this was... far nicer than he would expect from a cafe. It's two stories were all decorated in deep blue, with dark wood and silver filigree to accent. The ceiling was decorated to resemble a starry sky, and various nautical ephemera was used to tastefully lend the room a feeling of cohabitation with the water that was now clearly visible from it's wide windows.

Jon... was spending an awful lot of time admiring the furnishings. He supposed it was part of the change to his mind. More of an ability to discern aesthetics, and to appreciate them when they were done well. The stone seemed to draw from his own mind when making changes, so it would make sense this place would turn out so fancy if his mind had become more acquainted with fashionable ideas.

His sneakers squeaked as he crossed the dark hardwood floor to the swooping counter.

"Bonsoir, madamoiselle! Might I order un Café Americain?" He beamed at the barista, his tail perked up. The quiet atmosphere in here was doing wonders for helping him realign his thoughts.

"Sure thing, guv." She smiled back, dark red tail showing her own good mood. "Can oi get ya anyfin else t' go wivvat?"

Jon, with his new composure, didn't need to hold back anything. He was merely quietly amused by the fact that even the british accents had been stuck with comical character. He supposed it was his own fault for finding Tracer so attractive.

"Non, zat will be suffeecient." One quick payment later and Jon was seated in one of the high-backed booths on the upper floor, staring out the window at the street below. He could see a lot of the waterfront from here.

He took a sip of the coffee, and felt... bliss. Which was a little odd. He had always liked coffee well enough, but now he felt an almost instinctual need for it. not just for its taste, but for the way it relaxed him. The way it allowed him to feel breezy and in control. It too made sense though. His idea of a fancy model was sure to have those moments of quiet confidence. He wasn't alone, no! Not anymore. Now he was merely by himself. Taking time to savor a coffee.

Entirely unaware that the part of him that would have normally wanted a Dr. Pepper about now was gone.

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