I looked up at the purple sky, and if I currently had a mouth I would have smiled. People were walking around as if the sky had always been purple. Of course, to them it had. None of them would have suspected that it was my doing. I had simply willed it this way. I liked the way it went with the blue leaves on the trees.
But before long I found that to be a bit boring, and decided to restore the world to its "default" setting. Of course, when you have powers like mine, there is no real "default". You see, I am an Entity. At least, that's what I'll call myself for now. I've been around since the Beginning, with the universe as my sandbox. I've been all over, but there are few inhabitants in this universe that are quite like humans. They've developed quite an interesting society, with everyone having a unique role (or so they think).
Sure, playing with the sky and the trees is fun, but it's even more fun to mess with the people here. Even though I exist in the ether, I decided it might be interesting if I took on one of their forms, for some direct interaction. So, I started to form myself a body. But what kind of person should I become?