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5. Melody Creates Lesbians

4. Melody

3. Café

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

CAFÉ: Melody Creates Lesbians

avatar on 2008-10-16 21:30:48

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"Lyndsay, are you okay?" Dawn asked, grabbing Lyndsay's arm, thinking she was gonna topple over.

Lyndsay looked at her, then smiled. "I am now."

Dawn smiled, relieved. Then she began to turn around, but Lyndsay stopped her and leaned in to kiss her. Dawn pulled away, looking shocked. "What the hell are you ... doing ..." Dawn felt dizzy, so dizzy that she felt like she was going to fall over. But Lyndsay kept her steady.

When her dizzy spell ended, Dawn looked at Lyndsay and smiled. Then they kissed, as if they were lovers.

Donna was eating her chili, then stopped.

"Honey, what is it?" Brandon asked. He saw her looking at something behind him, so he turned around to look. "Oh, man. Lesbians." He looked back at his wife, thinking that he'd be sorry for saying that out loud, but his wife looked quite content. She was staring at the two women, with a dreamy smile on her face, as if she enjoyed watching them kiss. And Brandon knew for a fact that his wife wasn't into that sort of thing.

"Disgusting," Abigail said. "I can't believe they allow these kinds of people in here."

"We should complain to the manager," Grace said.

"Definitely. Lesbians are sinful creatures." As she looked across the table at her friend, she noticed Grace's expression changing from disgust to contentment. She looked at Abigail with a dreamy smile, then lifted herself up and leaned across the table, kissing her on the lips. Abigail pulled away, revolted by her friend's sudden change of attitude. "Grace! What in heaven's name is wrong with you?!"

"I just realized how much I love you," she said.

Then Abigail felt strange. She suddenly saw her friend in a whole new light. And she leaned over the table and kissed Grace on her lips. Just one minute before they were disgusted by the idea of lesbians, and now they were lesbians.

And quietly, the melodic sound kept on playing.

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