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4. Parent teacher conferences

3. A different take on Zoe's wish

2. Jon and Zoe might be a bit dif

1. You Are What You Wish

Parent teacher conferences start

on 2022-07-16 22:49:03

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Jen sat on a chair in one of the halls of the school, tapping through her phone. She had social media pages and plenty of pictures, each of which sparked memories thanks to Zoe's second to last wish. A vacation from a couple of years ago, pictures of them on the beach and out to dinner. Some of them at a concert for some band Jon had been passingly familiar with but apparently Jen and Zoe were fans of. People passed through the hall here and there, tugging her attention away from her research.

It felt weird to be in the school like this. Not as a student but as a parent trying to get the scoop on her kid. Not that Zoe was an issue when it came to school. None of the behavioral issues that existed in their old reality. She got A's and B's most of the time, and her meetings so far had been consistent with that memory.So far she had checked off Social Studies and Math, and was waiting for the English teacher to be freed up. She had an appointment scheduled for... She checked the time. Another 10 minutes. As another family passed, she went back to scanning through pictures and apps.

Nothing with Zoe's father, which... she grimaced at the emotions that bubbled up with that thought and quickly buried it. She wasn't in the right headspace to deal with that right now. Pictures taken before dances Zoe had attended, where she looked... really beautiful, honestly. Jen felt a proud, looking at her. She looked so grown up now, it was hard to believe sometimes. Sometimes she wished-

She cut that thought short and shook her head. Maybe it was a good thing Zoe had sent the stone away. If she made a wish like the one she had almost thought, then this whole situation would get way more complicated very quickly. Checking the time again, she decided it was time to get moving. Standing, she started making her way through the halls toward the English teacher's room. Mr. Peterson. Not a teacher Jon had, but he had known of the guy. Nice enough teacher.

As she made her way to the stairwell to go up to the second floor, she heard a voice coming from behind her. "Excuse me, miss? Could you help me?" Turning around, Jen saw...

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