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8. Sarah's New Reality

7. Small Changes, Big Effects

6. Making a Life Together

5. Stop the World

4. Able to Satisfy

3. Suprises Close To Home

2. The Perfect Partener

1. You Are What You Wish

Perfect Partners: Sarah's New Reality

on 2022-07-13 01:54:53

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Sarah woke up with a smile already on her face; she'd been having an absolutely delightful dream about her and Jasmine exploring the girl's new body. Jasmine. Sarah couldn't believe she'd found someone she knew would be her other half, hiding just beneath her nose and caged in a masculine form. Truthfully, that was more surprising to Sarah than the revelation that magic existed had been and it filled her with infinite warmth. However, as Sarah opened her eyes, her smile turned to a small frown. Something wasn't right. Her room didn't look quite like she remembered it from the day before. It was the same architecture and many of the furnishings were the same but there were a few key differences.

First, right in her arms was her blue stuffed unicorn, Fluffles, that she distinctly remembered losing when she was nine years old. It had been left behind at the hotel on one of the family's trips to France and her father, Richard McMillan, had refused to turn the car around to go get it, insisting he could just buy her a new one. He had in fact bought her a new white one but she'd never bonded with it like she had with Fluffles. Secondly, the framed pictures on her nightstand and vanity had changed. The first one made sense; where previously it had shown her with Biff, Tiffany and Steve at last years homecoming, it now showed her with Jasmine, Karyn and Amber at the same event. The old picture had been something she kept out of the pretext of keeping good relations with Tiffany, but the new one brought a genuine smile to her lips. However, it was the other changed picture that perplexed her. Previously it had been a formal family shot, taken when she was 12, with her sitting between her parents. Everyone was in elaborate clothing and maintaining rigid posture; the taking of it had not been a happy memory of Sarah's. The new one appeared to be a more candid shot and depicted her, her mother Susan, and a dark haired woman she didn't recognize having some sort of picnic.

The last major change that stood out was her bathrobe of all things. The fluffy pink garment hung as it always had on the hook on her bathroom door, but something about it was different. Instead of bearing the monogram SLM, for Sarah Lydia McMillan it said SLP and she couldn't figure out why. Was her last name different for some reason? She ran her mind back over everything she and Jasmine had changed yesterday and nothing was leaping out at her as a probable cause. She'd have to ask her girlfriend when she got to school if she knew what was going on. Sarah felt all gooey once again at the thought that she now had a girlfriend.

She went through her standard morning routine, a shower with her bursting citrus shampoo, her usual quick expert application of her deep red lipstick and smoky eyeshadow, and curling her golden locks into a gentle wave. She decided to dress to impress today even more than usual; she may have gained a new perspective on her social life, but she still knew she had to put her best foot forward. Per their wish, today would be the day she and Jasmine were debuting as a couple after all. First on went the light green silk bra and thong set that she thought really brought out her eyes; not that anyone but Jasmine would see her in it. For her public facing ensemble, she selected a tight red v neck sweater that gave a daring view of her cleavage and paired that with a high end pair of skinny jeans that hugged her ass perfectly. To this she added some ruby earrings that matched her sweater, and a teardrop shaped platinum and sapphire necklace to match her eyes. For her shoes she selected some five inch chunky white platform heels and she completed her preparation with a light spritzing of her Chanel perfume.

She snagged her purse, cheer bag and backpack before making her way downstairs. The sight awaiting her was one she hadn't anticipated for many reasons. In truth, Sarah usually ate alone, served by one of the maid staff; her mother traveled constantly, never seeming to stay home for long and her father was usually either at his office or more likely the golf course. So to see her mother serving flapjacks it looked like she'd made herself was something entirely knew to her. However, more surprising than that was the presence of someone she didn't know sitting at the table. It was the same dark haired woman from the photograph, and she was reading the paper at their table like nothing was out of the ordinary.

Suddenly, as it had for Jasmine across town, the stone's magic fed memories into her mind. Again, the wish for their parents to be pro-lgbt proved to be the culprit. It seemed Sarah took after her mother more than she knew, and Susan had lived out the life Sarah had narrowly avoided due to Jasmine's first wish, becoming trapped in a loveless lavender marriage. It went someway to explaining her mother's pervasive unhappiness and desire to avoid the family home. Truth be told, Sarah still resented her for being so absent, but she could understand it a bit more. In this world though, Susan Piermont had embraced her sexuality as a lesbian earlier in life and never married Richard McMillan; without the cash infusion from the Piermont fortune, McMillan industries had never taken off and Susan hadn't seen Richard since highschool. Instead of becoming his trophy wife, she'd used the connections she made with her brief modelling career to become an advertising executive.

The other woman, as it turns out, was her other mother, Charlotte Windham-Piermont. The svelte dark haired woman had been a fling Susan had in college in the old reality but now they had formed a firm relationship. She was also from old money, but had a successful career as a family lawyer. Sarah was suddenly filled with warm feelings towards this woman she'd never met, along with the knowledge she was much closer to Susan in this reality as well. Charlotte looked up to see her daughter gaping in the doorway, "Is anything the matter, darling?"

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