Suddenly, as if Charlie's prayers were answered, the sky changed color. This time it was violet.
As Charlie was pushed up into the back of the van, he swung around and tried to bump into the woman, but instead fell on top of the accomplice. Renee's bound hands touched the accomplice's skin and they swapped roles, just like what happened when Renee had become a CEO.
"Get up, you idiot!" yelled the masked man that was in charge. He was looking down at Charlie.
He stood up, noticing that, while he was still in Renee's body, he was no longer bound. And Renee was wearing clothes similar to that of the accomplice. She had become one of the kidnappers!
"Don't just stand there! The son of a bitch is getting away!" the gunman yelled, pointing at the man running down the alley. It was the accomplice, but now he was dressed in a business suit and his hands were bound behind his back.
Should Charlie go after him and play along a little longer? Or should he take out the gunman? The choice was hard to make, since the nervous woman's family was at stake.
As Charlie thought it over, the sky returned to its original color.
For the moment, Renee was stuck as the gunman's accomplice.