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11. The door opens.

10. Find a present.

9. Stuck in traffic.

8. ...that fat-ass Kevin was smar

7. The next day...

6. Tom Parker

5. A game of wishes

4. Not so fast!

3. Narayanne

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

NARAYANNE:Power Revealed

on 2008-06-05 22:30:44

654 hits, 21 views, 0 upvotes.

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The door opened and Pamela looked shocked to see Tom there. Tom said, "I know I dont usually come to pick up Kelly, but I was up early so I figured I shouldnt make you drive over. Pamela smiled and called up the stairs, "Kelly!, Tom's here." He faintly heard a reply of, "Here, oh, okay." He realized then that he had been thinking of his flashback when he bought Kelly her gift, that she was still 7 instead of 16, and he grimaced to himself. He thought, "I wish I had thought of that before." And with that the box he was holding behind his back disappeared, and he felt instead a pair of keys. "Oh shit!" he thought, "What the hell is happening." Suddenly Pam turned and said, "Tom, I think it's time we stop shuffling our daughter around. She is old enough to make her own decision of who she wants to live with." Tom just sat there and fumed, he thought to himself, "I wish Graham realized what a bitch Pam is, has always been..."
With that thought Naryanne smirked, it was time to reveal herself blatently. Tom's jaw dropped as he watched Pam start to shrink, she began to sprout fur and her face shoved outward, her arms turned into legs and a few seconds later, a husky was standing there, wagging it's tail. Tom fainted.

Before he knew what happened, he felt something wet and cold on his face, and woke up, he was soaking wet, and something was standing over him with an empty pitcher. The figure above him was unlike anything he had ever seen, it appeared to be half dog, half woman. And very beautiful, hell, almost divine. He thought he was dreaming, and it spoke, "Dad? Are you okay?" He just stared. A part of him recognized her as his daughter. But all his memories said she was a human teenager, not some half-husky goddess! He tried to speak but he couldnt. He looked over to the doorway again and saw a husky he recognized as Pamela still sitting there wagging it's tail. He tried to think of what had happened, and he realized, he wished that Graham would realize what a bitch Pam has always been... With that, everything went black again.

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