Irwin approached the strange couple who were still yelling at each other.The small furry yelled as he approached, "Why did you have to make me into this...I wish I were at least human!" with those words the creature began to grow and fill out, quickly becoming a large muscle bound man wearing all black leather. "Hmmm, not bad!" said the former goth girl examining her new body. "of course, there is a few things I wouldn't mind changing about I wish you had bigger breasts..." The former boys chest swelled about 4 cup sizes. He looked down in shock and started to say something until she, now he, cut him off. "And your personality really doesn't go with your new look, I wish you were really a hardcore goth slut." The former boys expression suddenly went from shocked and confused to a hungry leer as SHE moved closer to the stud in black leather standing in front of her, pulled his face down to hers and planted a hot kiss on his lips. Irwin opened his mouth to say something, but before he could utter a sentance the new slut said "Wow, stud, looks like you got something I want REAL bad! I wish we were somplace more private so I could...." And with that they faded from Irwin's site. Irwin shook his head and began to move back down the path heading for home.
N:a change for the better
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