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6. A Suitor From Abroad

5. The Second Princess

4. Learning a New History

3. The World Shifts

2. A Royal Mistake

1. You Are What You Wish

A Royal Mistake: A Suitor From Abroad

on 2022-06-27 04:01:45

1182 hits, 136 views, 2 upvotes.

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(Yuki's last name has changed like Elaina's to be what was previously her mother's maiden name.)

Zelda gave her sister a very confused look, "are you sure you're okay, Elle? You're fiancee is the third daughter of the Japanese Empress, Yuki Yamato. Mother told us nearly six months ago."

Elaina's mind was racing; Yuki was the daughter of an Empress now? Also, hadn't Japan had an Emperor? That's if it was the same Yuki. A small part of Elaina was hoping it was as she'd harbored a not so small crush on the exchange student before the world changed. Unfortunately she'd gotten swept up into Kelsey and Sarah's friend groups shortly after arriving and was thus thoroughly out of Jon's reach. Plus, not that she was upset as she still very much did not like boys, but why was her fiancee a girl? However, most pressingly her sister was looking at her like she'd grown another head, so she needed to cover.

"Ah, sorry, I misspoke! I meant, to say, what have you heard about her?" Zelda slowly nodded like she didn't fully believe Elaina, but answered anyways.

"Well, just the standard rumors of course. She's supposed to be brilliant, with a focus in architecture and engineering. I think it will pair well with your own skill as a tactician and administrator. She's beautiful, but then you'll know that from her photographs. She's an enthusiastic supporter of both the joust and the chariot race, so expect to be dragged to a few sporting events. I'm sure you'll force her into plenty of dancing in return." Zelda shot Elaina a mischievous wink at that statement before continuing. "Uh, let's see... I'm not really sure of too much else. She's supposed to be a kind person, if a little competitive, according to what Mother was saying the other night. I think for the rest you're just going to have to meet her yourself, Elle. Now c'mon, there's no use fretting, let's go for a ride before we lose the light!"

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