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18. Banished: Aside I

17. Banished: Regrouping

16. Banished: A reunion

15. Banished: A new normal

14. Banished : A late night drink

13. Banished: First day on the job

12. Banished: Losing Hope

11. Banished: A few days later

10. Banished: An Oasis in the dese

9. Banished: The search begins

8. Banished: Getting answers

7. Banished: Hell

6. Banished

5. Jon and Zoe Disappear

4. Izafriel begins his plan...

3. know how it works

2. Jon's Dad finds the rock.

1. You Are What You Wish

Banished: Aside I ("Jon")

on 2022-06-27 01:18:44
Episode last modified by Paradox on 2023-01-09 19:41:34

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'Jon' looked into the mirror, evaluating the reflection with an eye that had been trained by millenia of existence. It had been a shock, being pulled from a binding within a statue that had been handed down by wizards some centuries ago and dropped into this body. One that was so alien and... ill suited to the needs of it's new soul. Still, that was workable. Flesh was malleable. She could work with it.

And she had, over the course of the night after she had been freed. Her mind had been set on making this body more Her. It had been taxing, her long imprisonment doing nothing to help her reserve of power. It would take time to build up, but some aspects were innate. Easy enough to pull on that she could even in her diminished state. She had done what she could, but... the results were still lacking.

Hair hadn't been a focus. She had left it as it was. Short but not terribly so. Shorter than girls tended to have, as far as she had been able to divine, but it was lower on the list of priorities. She had done a general sweep of face and body, changing it from it's masculine form into something more befitting her. It was a far cry from deserving the title of succubus, but it was a start. Her new face was cute, but erred toward androgynous. Her curves were there, but nothing noteworthy. Breasts barely a B-cup, by current measurement standards. Barely a waist, hips, or ass.

Still, she had the bare essentials. She could work her way to the rest. Being rid of this body's penis had been the first thing she had done. Necessary for everything else to stem from.

Turning from the mirror, she searched her new body's wardrobe. She was still drained, but she'd be bound again before allowing herself to be seen in clothing as bland as what this boy had owned. She plucked through, looking for something that would work. She started with a pair of white underwear and a white undershirt. Some focus saw them shifting in her hands, becoming lacy underwear. What was considered sexy in this day and age. Much of the material was eaten away, disposed of. A waste of energy when she had so little to spare. Necessary for her purposes, but... so wasteful. She pulled the underwear on and went back to searching. A light blue t-shirt could serve, with some modifications. She pulled it on and felt it reshape as it settled on her. It tightened and reshaped, sleeves ending just past her shoulders, bottom hem exposing a bit of her stomach, and a neckline that showed plenty of cleavage and a hint of her bra.

She could feel the exhaustion setting in and the day hadn't even begun yet. The lack of power was the worst part this whole process. She was a fucking princess of hell. Literally, as it happened. Being as weak as she felt was humiliating. Like she was a mewling kitten. Still, she settled for less for now. Pulling a pair of jeans out and on, she reshaped them to cling to her barely existent curves. It would draw some eyes to her ass, no doubt. Shoes... she would settle for merely making them fit. There was time for other adjustments later.

She focused a hint more of her power onto adorning her in make-up. Unsatisfied but having little option, she left the room and went down the stairs of their new home. Still the same as it had been when the previous residents had lived there, but it would be reshaped in time. Her father and mother were talking, practically drooling over each other when she passed through the kitchen.

"Going somewhere, daughter?" her father asked, his deep voice resonating and practically making the whole house shake.

"To 'school'," she said. "Where the adolescents of this age prepare themselves for adulthood. Apprenticeships, it seems, are rare."

"I am aware. Capable of drawing on my hosts memories. Why are you attending?"

"I think it will serve me, assist in regaining some of my power."

Her father considered, then smiled and nodded. "Make it so, then. I will send your sisters to school as well. The faster you all regain your strength, the better."

Her mother whispered something, but her interest was already waning. She left the house and spotted someone walking down the street. Like her father, she could draw on memories from her host body. She recognized this one.

"Hello Karyn," she said.

"Hey, Jon-girl. How's it going?" Karyn asked. There was a momentary confusion on her face as she spoke, as though she remembered life before the alterations that she had made. Which... she was weakened but not that weak. This girl should have no idea that any changes had occurred. Not unless...

As the girl got closer, 'Jon' could smell the energy that had soaked into her. Her father's magic. That would explain it, and was a complicating factor. Still, she didn't quite remember. "No complaints yet," 'Jon' said. "You?"

"I had trouble sleeping. I couldn't get comfortable with my boobs..." Again, that momentary confusion. "I... I don't know why they were bothering me so much..."

Had she used the stone her father had been bound in to enhance her chest? Perhaps this wouldn't be as troublesome as it first seemed. 'Jon' shrugged. "One of those nights, I suppose?"

"I guess..." Karyn said. They chatted all the way to school, Karyn complaining about homework and 'Jon' pretending to care. When they arrived, 'Jon' could feel when the eyes and attention of her new classmates fell on her. Not as much as she would have liked, not when she was next to Karyn who had a body far closer to what she would have liked. Some, though. She could feel the attention on her and if she focused...

Her eyes fell onto one boy who was glancing her way. Jay Duncan, one of the nerdier boys in the school. She could feel why. The true Jon had shared interests with the boy, and the new form that she wore seemed more attainable than Karyn did. Which was an annoyance, but a convenient one.

"Karyn, I need to go get something quickly. I'll catch up with you, okay?"

"Uh... sure," Karyn said.

'Jon' broke away and made a circuitous way to Jay. She approached from behind and tapped him on the shoulder, making him jump. "Morning, Jay."

"Oh, uh, morning Jon."

"How are you?" she asked, positioning herself so that her chest was pushed out ever so slightly. She saw Jay's eyes drift several times as he contemplated his response.

"I'm good. Did you need something?"

"Just wanted to see..." she trailed off, plumbing her body's memories. "Did you see the new trailer for Space Quest Episode 13? It actually looked pretty cool."

Jay seemed blindsided, but smiled and nodded. "Yeah, it does. The last few were pretty rough, but it seems like they're going in a new direction. Which I think they really need to do."

"Mmm, I agree. The last one... I barely remember it. It's almost like I didn't even watch it." She smiled at the joke that was made entirely for her benefit.

"Tell me about it," Jay said. 'Jon' found herself glad that she had saved some energy during her morning routine and she pushed out a bit, pushing thoughts into the boys mind. He licked his lips, eyes, darting around a bit. "Um, if you want... I own all of them. If you wanted a refresher, you could come to my place to watch it?"

"Really? That'd be fun," 'Jon' said. "Would today work?"

He seemed a little surprised, but he nodded. "Yeah, uh... it should."

"Great, it's a date then. I'll see you later?"

The boy was wide eyed, taken entirely by surprise. After a moment, he nodded. 'Jon' started walking away, but she could feel the attention still on her. All going correct, he would be thinking of her all day. Thoughts of their plans for the afternoon would feed into memories of her attire, her chest, and each wave of arousal would feed her. Not as much as engaging in physical acts of lust, but it would help.

She smiled, making her way to class. The quick glances at her chest or ass from others helped too, but she could already feel her reserve of power filling by small drops from Jay's thoughts. A slow start, but a start all the same.

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