"Mayor Holden," the female reporter began. "Is it true that ..." The mayor blinked and suddenly the woman looked different. Gone were her professional conservative clothes. In their place was a black bolero jacket over a red lacy half-cup bra, a black micro miniskirt and black 5-inch stiletto heels. Even the woman's make-up looked different, as it looked much heavier, making her look quite slutty. The mayor couldn't believe that this was the same woman, but it was. The face was exactly the same, even though the rest of her looked a little different. For one thing, her breasts seemed bigger and she seemed curvier. It was almost as if the reporter had becoming the sexiest version of herself that she could be.
The mayor was so startled by her change in appearance that he had totally missed her question. "Can ... can you repeat that?"
After giggling, the new bimbo reporter said "Is it true that ..."