"Places everyone! This is the big fight scene and I want to see some energy from all of you," shouted Henry Higgins, director of WBAB's highest rated kids show Hyper Heroes, a low budget Power Rangers knock off. Of course, it didn't take much to be the highest rated kid's show on WBAB. Henry sighed. This wasn't how he saw his life turning out. His parents had been theater buffs, hence his being named after a character in a play. That had got him beat up a bit growing up. Despite that, he still dreamed of being an actor all of his childhood. Unfortunately, as an actor, he stunk. He did have some talent for the arts, so he became a director. However, he was finding directing to not be as rewarding as he wanted it to be. But it was through his efforts that the show was doing as well as it was, and he was determined to get the most out of the actors.
Narayanne sensed the poor director's angst and decided to help him out.
"I believe some 'special' effects are in order..."