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18. Carly notices Beth's friends

17. Not underwear

16. Strength is fleeting

15. Audience Participation

14. Pink's a good color for you

13. Contestant #3

12. Poor thing doesn't know a thin

11. Contestant #2

10. She gets them wrong

9. Contestant #1

8. Now _this_ is jeopardy...

7. The changes at the station con

6. Tristain Meets Narayanne

5. A change in the newsroom

4. A news team

3. Narayanne

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

N: Teammates

on 2009-08-18 03:47:26

1563 hits, 106 views, 1 upvotes.

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Carly heard the whistling from Beth's friends and a thought suddenly entered her head. "Hey, it sounds like our little Beth has a cheering section," Carly said to the audience. "Friends of yours?" she asked Beth.

Beth, still in shock and out of breath, uncertainly replied, "Y..yes, they're my teammates, I ... I think." She now stood on the pedestal with both arms covering her exposed breasts. The pedestal was tall enough that some of the audience in the front rows could get occasional glimpses under her skirt, but Beth hadn't yet noticed.

"Ah, ah! Remember our deal: no covering up!" Carly chided the poor girl. Beth blushed cutely and slowly lowered her arms to her side. The bottom half of her breasts were now available for the audience's viewing pleasure, although sometimes more would be revealed since Beth's chest was still heaving from exhaustion. "That's better. Now, what do you mean by 'I think'? I think I should ask them myself. Would you all like to join Beth on stage?" Carly shouted to Beth's former teammates.

"You bet!" one of them shouted back, the rest nodding in agreement. They were a bit confused since they remembered Biff, but the memories conflicted with current reality. They didn't think about it too much since their attention was focused on the mostly naked girl on stage and on the chance to get a closer look at her, plus getting close to the hot host too.

"Well then, come on down!" Carly said, beckoning the five football players to the stage.

Narayanne laughed quietly, earning her some odd looks from the man next to her. "You're about to join Beth in more ways than one," Narayanne thought to herself, casually changing the man next to her into a naked hyena-girl at the same time. The girl started laughing uncontrollably, earning her some odd looks herself. "That'll teach him to react reasonably to the random outbursts of oddly dressed women sitting next to him," Narayanne thought. As an afterthought, she cursed the girl to get more aroused the more she laughed. Soon moans mixed with the laughter. She then returned her attention to the football players, content that justice had been served.

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