Suddenly, Herbert felt odd, then it passed. Something still, however, didn't feel quite right. He was sitting at the table again, but he was now staring face-to-face with Brad. "Oh, shit" he thought. He began to get up when he noticed the feelings of his new body...Jennifer's body!
Brad's body asked, "Herb, is that you?"
Their brief conversation was interrupted by a scream from Herbert's body.
"Give it back!" Herbert's body screamed.
"I can't. I don't know what happened." Herbert (in Jennifer's body) responded.
"Look," Gretchen (in Brad's body) interrupted, "You can sit down here and talk about it. We don't know what went on, but there's got to be a logical explanation."
"No," Brad (in Gretchen's body) said, "We're not going to have our bodies been seen eating with your guy's loser bodies. I'm sure it will all work itself out..."
"Are you sure, Brad-ie-poo?" Jennifer (in Herbert's body) asked.