The door creaked open and in walked an attractive young woman. At first Lori wasn't sure who it was, but then there seemed to be something familiar about her.
"Hi, Mark," the young woman said.
"Do I know you?" he asked her.
"It's me. Jill," the woman said.
Mark stood up from the chair with wide eyes and a smile. "So, you made it. You got to the next life!"
"Yeah," she said, smiling. "I guess I was 'good' enough." She looked past him towards Lori. "Uh ... who's that?" She seemed a little envious, looking at Lori's long hair and ample breasts.
"Don't you remember Jack?" Mark asked.
"It can't be." She walked towards Lori. "Is it true? Are you actually Jack?"
"Yeah, it's true," Lori answered.
"What happened? Why do you look like this? Don't tell me you wanted it." She made a grunting sound, then said "Boys."
"It was an accident, actually. I've been trying to find some way of changing myself back to normal, or mostly back. That's why I'm here in the library. There's got to be something in here that can help."
"Well, why don't you try this book?" Jill asked, pulling a book off the shelf and handing to Lori.