On my way home I ran into Pete who was resting against a wall. Seeing me approaching he gave me a smile and a wave which I returned. As I saw him leaning there, six months pregnant, my hand went to the Fu Dog and I wondered if I could use it to help him.
"Hey Jonny boy," he grinned, rubbing his belly, "how was school today?" He poked his tongue out mockingly and I remembered he'd had today off to go to a doctor's appointment.
"Hey Pete," I replied, sitting down next to him "Sucked as usual. How are the twins?"
"Doctor says they're healthy," he smiled, "Wanna feel?"
I smiled back and gave his belly a rub. "Not long now."
He sighed "yeah, only three months."
I looked at him curiously, "Do you regret it?"
"I...I don't know," he shrugged "Yeah it sucks I can't do sports any more, but...it does kinda feel nice having a child growing inside of you. Know what I mean?"
I shook my head "If you could go back and change things, would you?"
He thought for a moment, "Honestly, I don't know?"
"What would you say if I told you I could help?" I asked reaching for the stone. He gave me a curious look and I showed it to him, telling him everything, including what had happened to Karyn. He just sat there in silence, staring at the Fu Dog. I placed a comforting hand on his, waiting for his reply.
"Okay," he said, breathing deeply, "I know what to do."