... very much like Jim. But with breasts and everything else, from the stubble-free face down to the smaller feet. It was also naked, leaving a nude girl on the floor who could have been Jim's sister, or even closer; there was a small pimple on one cheek that Jim had. Except this wasn't Jim. Jim was several feet away.
"Woo-oooh!" exclaimed Rick. "Naked babe."
"Wait!" replied Jim. "I was testing it! I was trying to become a girl... hey, boobs I can touch. Just to test it. I thought it lets you transform yourself."
"So you had this secret desire to become a girl?"
"No! It was just supposed to be temporary. just to test it. I wasn't planning to have your chair turn into the girl that I would have turned to. You know, this isn't right."
Rick stepped up to the girl lying on the floor and touched her breasts. "Looks okay to me" he said. Suddenly her eyes opened....